Friday 15 April 2011

On us all a little rain must fall

As I said in my last post, I am in the tropics. Today it is raining. In the tropics, unlike the UK, it rains with gusto. It really rains. there is much thunder and a lot of water is falling from the sky. Torrents are running down pavements that were baking hot mere minutes ago.

I love this kind of weather. I really do. It is very contemplative and atmospheric. I love reading or just listening to music and staring out of the window when it is like this.I will not pretend that I have any great or deep thoughts,  just stare into space. It is very tranquil despite the violence of nature around me.

I think that music can go into two directions when it is like this outside. Either to the guitar based prog and classic rock, or into the deep electronic ambient areas.

Really, listen to this and tell me you don't already feel the weather . . the intro helps massively I know.

I was massively into the Doors when I was in my late teens. I really bought into the whole American shamen idea of Jim Morrision. The idea of going out as far as you could into various areas of exploration really apppealed to me. I liked the music a lot as well. LA Woman as an album I think is still a great one. I grew up a bit though and realise now that while the music still holds up very well, the myth around Morrision was just that and it is actually a bit sad.

Anyway, I will get into why you should never trust a hippie some other day. All for love and peace, but you can't use it as an excuse to drop out of life!

Another great song to listen to is Window Pane by Opeth. I have written many times that I think Damnation by Opeth is such a brilliant album. Honestly, you have to listen to it.

I have nothing else to say on that matter to be honest. Listen to the song and you can see why it is such a great contemplative piece of music.

I also like to listen to a bit of classic rock when it comes too the rain. I particularly like listening to Free Bird by Lynyrd Skynyrd (or which ever spelling you like)

A long rambling song if ever there was one. I like the whole being free idea and that you can't trap me. Massively fanciful of course. But it does appeal to the great manly ideal of breaking free and living a life on the run under your own terms. Which I have always found a very strange one. If you do not like your life, then change it. Don't just think about it, do it. I hate people that say they want to do something and then spend their lives taking about it. Do it, or shut up I say. I don't want to hear about what could have been frankly. It does have a great guitar solo if ever there was one though.

I also like to go into the ambient world. I have always like to think of ambient music as being a bit like Modern art. I did a post about this, which only about 5 people read, but that is fine. My favourite of all of the electronic sound scapers has always been Aphex Twin. Selected Ambient works volume 2 is just simply brilliant. I like this song very very much

I know that I have missed out a lot of great music that is appropriate to this. No Cure, Radiohead, Brian Eno, Led Zeppelin.

What do you suggest to listen to on a rainy day?

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