Friday 1 March 2013

Is it wrong?

Is it wrong that I bought a Karaoke machine?

Is Karaoke cool? Does it matter?

This was going to be a 2 line post. But now I am a little intrigued , why? Well because it taps into the very heart of music.

Should participating in music, albeit at the most basic, primitive level, have a cool or not sticker on it? Look, I get that singing karaoke has nothing to do with being a musician, or does it have anything to do with creativity. But, if you can sing a song note perfect and properly phrased, then surely you are more musical than some one who can't. (this is not me by the way, I am told I can sing a little bit. My idols are people like Bruce Dickinson - however I can't and will not ever be able to sing like this)

The point being, many many of us have sung into a hairbrush, or in front of a mirror , or something similar. Many more of us have sung along at a concert. What is the difference if you supplant yourself into the lead singer role? I guess the reason for not doing this is because we make such an awful hash of it.

However, there are people that can sing like that and do at Karaoke, should we cast our derision on them because they are not cool? Well to be honest if they go on X-Factor or Pop idol yes. That is only because it is the music industry using a 15 minute fame idea to re-hash old songs and make money and has nothing to do with moving music forward. The people that do this and expect to be anything other than a short lived singles chart name are delusional. That said, there is that girl that one an Oscar isn't there?

I guess the other issue is, should being perceived as cool have anything to do with what music you like? Or in this case, like to sing? Obviously it shouldn't. Do you think though that someone who is note perfect in a Sonic Youth song is cooler than someone who is the same in a Michael Bolton song?

Hard to argue for that one isn't it? We know it shouldn't matter. I know you read the first part of that and said to yourself that of course you do not judge people on their music taste. But really? honestly? you don't?

I do. I have to say that because there is so much evidence of it in the 100+ posts on this blog.

Anyway, as I said this was supposed to be a short post. I am looking forward to getting Karaoke machine for the house and who knows, I may even sing Khe Sahn and some Beatles songs.

I will expand on this topic in the learning to Love series, but for now I would appreciate your thoughts.


  1. I love Karaoke, although I have not been to a club that has one in years.
    I remember many years ago while on a buiness trip to Copenhagen, I had the opportunity to witness the Karaoke Danish finals. One lucky contestent would represent Demmark has the best Karaoke singer in Europe (didn't witness the European finals). It was an amazing evening of listening to a MC speak Danish announcing the finalists(sounds like a record spinning backwards)and these fantastic signers, singing in English. What a night.

  2. I love Karaoke as well. AI got into it in Japan and found over the years that I had a little bit of a voice.
    Your night sounds amazing. I have only ever seen pretty drunk people do it. Some better than others obviously, but I can imagne it was somewhat surreal seeing it in Danemark!
