Saturday, 12 February 2011

I was so happy that I kissed the cat

When i was at uni on the indie or alternative radio station they used to have a show called 'excuse me while i kiss this guy' which was a tribute to all of those times when we get the lyrics wrong when singing along. (to get it you have to say it fast, and have a working knowledge of late 60s psychedelic rock . . no? get to the end and I will help you out. 

The great thing about the Internet and the ability to post onto You Tube has meant that this has been taken into an art form. I am not kidding the imagination of some of these guys is unbelievable.

Take this for instance. 

No I honestly do not know the words to that song, in fact I am pretty sure after watching that they didn't really change many of the lyrics. . 

And i actually think that it may be the point of this, if you do not really know the song you can actually be convinced that it is saying almost anything. for example

And there are some pretty funny ones out there

Also into Cats? That is pretty good. 

There isn't really a point to this post as such. i just wanted to re-iterate that sometimes it is a good idea not to take music too seriously. it is a great thing that enhances our lives on a daily basis, but it can also make you smile. Especially , when quite bad music is made into something quite funny. I also defy you to now hear any of these songs and not imagine the lyrics as these people have effectively changed them into. 

This is creative, and it is an art form. i am not joking, i know it if far easier to make fun of something than it is to actually create. i am not suggesting making up a funny version of a song is nearly as creative as it is to actually write the song. it is however , not as easy as it looks, if you search misheard lyrics, you will find literally thousands of songs that get this kind of treatment. Most of them are simply rubbish and not even close to what you hear.

I also wanted to see how the video post looks on the blog instead of just the link - feedback appreciated on this. 

Oh, the title of the blog is from The Fine Young Cannibals - song Good Thing. i honestly thought he was so happy that he kissed the cat, what it could be
Actually, now listening to it for the first time in years I can hear that that is about the only part of the song you can actually make out

Excuse me while i kiss this guy comes of course from Jimi hendrix and Purple Haze

I can definitely hear it there.

Enjoy your music.

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