Saturday 19 March 2011

What happened to car music?

I have little to no trouble in admitting that I am not really down with the kids. I do not listen to the latest chart topping hits as most of the music is really not for me. I mean that in both senses of the phrase, it isn't for me because I don't like it, and it isn't aimed at me. When Lily Allen is singing she is not thinking about an almost middle aged person.

That's fine, I am cool with that. Given I might not have heard the latest greatest thing to come out of the mouth of some factory produced starlet, it does seem to me that there is a whole genre of songs that has disappeared. Where are the songs about cars? Cars have gotten a lot better, but the music about them has gone. Vanished.

Pure and simple - a guy singing about his car. Bragging about how good it is. Nothing earth shattering there. it seems it was big in the 60s and even into the 70s to talk about how cool your car is.

Another example by Deep Purple.

I am never quite sure what I think of Deep Purple. They are one of those bands whenever I hear them I think that I quite like them, but I never seek out their music. Their greatest hits albums are brilliant, some of their actual albums tend to disappear into a progtastic guitar and organ fest. Perhaps that is what puts me off them a little bit, the organ. Does an organ have a place in hard rock? Not sure, it is not bad , but organ solos? maybe not. Still Deep purple are good. Deepest Purple is a good 'Best Of' to have.

So I started looking around for more modern songs about cars. It is hard, they are certainly not in the mainstream. As with so many other things in life, you need to turn to Sir Mix-A-Lot for the answer to your questions:

That is a fairly ordinary song, but the genius of it is to get all of the car names into the rap so seamlessly. Seems Baby Got Back was a bigger hit than we all thought. Most of those cars are actually his according to the sites talking about it.

Rob Zombie emerges as an unlikely saviour?

I have posted about Rob Zombie before, I think that he is a genius, but that is not a great car song as far as things go.

So why have the car songs disappeared from our musical lexicon? People drive more than ever and there is little doubt that man's (sorry ladies it is a guy thing isn't it) love of the auto has if anything, increased. I think that it has to have something to do with the increasingly disposable nature of our relationship to the world. We no longer seem to cherish our relationship with the machines that we have. Especially with cars. Cars have become another tool for us to use. Not an object of deeper emotions. As our roads have become more clogged, much more stringently policed, it seems we take less and less enjoyment in our driving experiences.

This is a great pity. Depending on the kind of person you are, one of the great experiences of life is the road trip. A long drive through the countryside. Music blaring with cool tunes and following the road to where it takes you. As I have said before I grew up in Australia and there is a lot of space over there. You put tunes on and drive through the desert ,comparatively speaking , ok scrubland then. I wonder why a desert seems to be cooler to me. I guess there is the element of it being unpopulated.

So what is the best driving song?

Golden Earring are somewhat ironically Dutch. Not a great place for driving, Holland. Still a great song to listen to whilst driving. I am going to do a playlist blog about driving I think.

What do you like to listen to whilst driving?


  1. You need to get a copy of the Top Gear album - every single car-related song imaginable...Fleetwood Mac - The Chain, Drive - The Cars, Dire Straits and basically the entire Chris Rea back catalogue.

  2. i disagree, not great driving songs at all though, just songs with something about cars in them.

  3. Tom Petty, "Runnin' Down a Dream"

  4. that is a cool song. Veru big fan of Tom petty. why do you think it is a good driving song? I love the opening salvo and the song, but is it really a drivning song., Maybe 1979 by the Smashing pumkins is a driving song. i am happy to be wrong though.

  5. I consider it a "driving" song if it makes me speed while I am driving. I get a heavy foot when I like a song. Maybe I should have sent my speeding tickets to Tom. (if I had had any speeding tickets that is...) off to listen to 1979.

  6. tom petty is a bit creepy. how 'bout a song from the year 1979 - april wine "say hello"

    you could do a blog on band names.

  7. I to the time to listen to all of your video links this time. Good picks.

    sotp -changing acronym to -igalsoc
    (I've got a lovely set of coconuts)
    igal for short.

  8. I do not know April Wine at all. Someone else was talking about them a few days ago.
    I don't think that Tom Petty is creepy, some of his music is a lot better than other bits of his music, but generally he is very good

  9. Driving songs don't make me speed per se. I tend to like the more expansive songs, like I said Smashing Pumpkins, Weezer etc

  10. AnonymousMay 03, 2011

    Great writing! I want you to follow up to this topic!?!

    order cialis

  11. April Wine are a 2nd level hard rock band from Canada in the 70s.

    Trampled Underfoot - Zep

    Good driving song.
