Saturday 12 March 2011

What's appropriate?

Recently it seems that the earth is showing the little humans who is boss. This is of course a reasonably ridiculous notion, and leads to perhaps the scariest thing for us to face. The earth, if it was a sentient being, does not care one way or another about us. Mother nature is not a kind a nurturing being, but a completely indifferent one.

The floods in Australia, the earthquake in New Zealand and yesterday the quake and Tsunami in Japan. My heart goes to everyone who has been effected by these recent natural events. I lived in Japan for 6 years, and Tokyo remains my favourite place in the world. All of my friends and associates are OK, but there are so many people who can not say this.

The pictures of the Tsunami racing across the countryside and through the towns was, if you have seen, i think you will agree one of the most amazing and frightening  pieces of film footage ever seen.

I have often said that there is music that suits every occasion. But what is appropriate in this case? As the Japanese follow the Australians and New Zealanders into the clean up phase after a disaster what would be appropriate? What is it appropriate for us to listen to?

There is what I think an instinctive part of human nature that says it is going to be ok. Is it there for appropriate to play this by the beach boys?

You know , it probably isn't ok. The song is about a relationship, and why that is perhaps the most important thing in a time of crisis, the flippancy of it doesn't make sense now. So where do you go? This is most definitely not a time for flippancy. Is it a time for humour? Please do not misunderstand I am not suggesting that this is something to make a joke out of, not at all. But, humour is a natural human response to the most tragic of circumstance and so maybe it is appropriate now?

I don't know, that isn't a particularly funny song, but it does change the topic at least. Perhaps that is the point.

There is also the option to get angry. That is often the way that people deal with things. Vent the wrath at the unfairness of it. Because it is unfair. there is nothing that is fair about being in the wrong place at the wrong time. Throughout human history we have tried to explain this away through the elements of religion, through the explanation of others that there is some sort of divine retribution. Why? because it makes it easier for us to deal with the fact that the universe is unloving and unjust.

You could of course go the other way and go into the most serious songs. Jeff Buckley's Hallelujah? people play this song at lot at funerals.

It is however a very personal song, and while I understand that if you had been directly effected by any of the disasters then it would be appropriate. However, while I know a lot of people that have been, I have not been directly effected and as such I feel that I am almost intruding by listening to this and trying to imagine how it must feel. Is there a song that is able to convey this? at least to me? There have been some attempts at it. There was We are the World, which was a noble effort. It was done to raise funds for the relief in Africa after that continent went through one of the many natural events that cause great human misery and upheaval.

The sentiment is correct , but it is a song of hope and togetherness, something that is definitely needed. But it doesn't describe, metaphorically, the human element of the disaster.

But I don't know if there is a song that does it. I don't have the right song for this.


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